Camps as Catalyst for Family Faith Practices


Below, you’ll find creative assets, logos, copy, and more for sharing the Rhythms of Faith Project with your families, churches, and communities. This page will continue to be updated as we create and share more. #rhythmsoffaith

Project Logo & Brand Mark

This is the primary project logo for Rhythms of Faith. The audio wave is the brand mark. Use the full logo by default. The audio wave mark can be used as an accent, ideally when the full logo has been presented first.

Use the button below to download 6 versions of the logo for sharing. The zipped file includes:

  • A full-color primary logo
  • A white, transparent version for using over images and colored backgrounds.
  • A full-color animated gif version for using occasionally when appropriate on websites, videos, social where files are supported
  • A full-color square aspect ratio version
  • A white square aspect version
  • A dark background square version

where to share

Facebook Page

We’ve begun a brand new Facebook for the project. Please be sure to follow this page as we’ll begin to share updates, opportunities to engage, findings, and more as the project progresses.


Share on social media spaces, including Facebook, Instagram, and X using the hashtag above and the logos and verbiage found in this kit.

The best way to share is to simply hit the share, comment, and/or like button on posts made by the main project page or lead organizations. This brings traffic to those ongoing organizations and spaces. 


Share on your digital front door – your website – using the assets and copy from this page.

word of mouth

Share the excitement and energy for this project and your participation in conversation with like-minded leaders, pastors, parents, and scholars whenever you get the chance!


Share through your email list using the content you find on this page, and feel free to forward emails and details you receive from the project updates list.

print/on Site

Share printed flyers, information, graphics, and more as they become available throughout the project and include the project in your printed newsletters.

project statement of purpose

The Rhythms of Faith Project seeks to empower parents and caregivers in family faith formation by leveraging the power of camp experiences.

Short form copy for email blurb, social media, & other sharing

The Rhythms of Faith Project seeks to empower parents and caregivers in family faith formation by leveraging the power of camp experiences. This project is a 5-year, nationwide, cross-denominational initiative coordinated by Wheaton College’s Center for Leadership Development (HoneyRock), in partnership with Sacred Playgrounds, and generously funded by Lilly Endowment Inc.

The project seeks faith formation through partnership: partnership among parents/caregivers; partnership among camps, congregations, and the home; partnership among practitioners and the academy; partnership among different Christian traditions. We bring together scholars and practitioners from Lutheran, United Methodist, and Evangelical traditions, drawing experience from camp, clergy, and academia.

Stay up to date on the project or apply to participate as a camping ministry organization, congregation, or family at the links below.

Links for key actions steps

*Whenever possible, share these links using buttons or text hyperlinks rather than full links.

Full Description for website posts and pages, letters, and long-form spaces.

The Rhythms of Faith Project seeks to empower parents and caregivers in family faith formation by leveraging the power of camp experiences to establish rhythms of faith through regular Christian practices. This project is a 5-year, nationwide, cross-denominational initiative coordinated by Wheaton College’s Center for Leadership Development (HoneyRock), in partnership with Sacred Playgrounds, and generously funded by Lilly Endowment Inc. The project seeks faith formation through partnership: partnership among parents/caregivers; partnership among camps, congregations, and the home; partnership among practitioners and the academy; partnership among different Christian traditions. We bring together scholars and practitioners from Lutheran, United Methodist, and Evangelical traditions, drawing experience from camp, clergy, and academia.

Together, we will develop a model program that enables camps to be training centers that equip parents and congregations to maximize the impact of camp-like experiences in developing resilient faith and maturity in their youth. Throughout human history, God has used time away in temporary community to deepen faith, renew the people of God, and equip them for impact in critical historic moments. Prophets, kings, the nation of Israel, families, and Jesus’ own disciples were transformed and prepared through Spirit-led times away. Christian camping, at its core, performs a similar role in today’s world. The key characteristics and lasting impacts of Christian camping experiences are well- established, with a growing body of literature and scholarship confirming their value and potential. Rhythms of Faith will build on this research and seek to deepen the impacts of camp experiences.

This project will capitalize on the power of camp by equipping families and churches to deepen resilient faith in youth through an evidence-based action-research process. The project team will identify program elements, rhythms, faith practices, and training processes that impact youth directly and improve the partnership between camps, churches, and families. So often, the powerful faith experiences of camp are not understood, transferred to, or capitalized on by the permanent systems. We seek to help parents maximize the impact of these deeply transformational experiences and continue the lessons learned and growth into everyday life.

Once tested and refined, this program will be shared with the Christian camp movement, through denominational training, in churches and with families across the country and around the world. The project team’s visibility, reputation, and prolific writing at the national and international level ensure global impact. As a result of this project, we hope that camps, in partnership with churches and parents, can become a more effective and pervasive catalyst for enduring faith formation, maturity, and leadership development in today’s youth and emerging adults.

visual brand elements

When creating or sharing project findings, stories, or opportunities be sure to use the following visual elements whenever possible, in addition to the logos found above. More brand elements will be added as we continue in our storytelling.

Rhythms Blue

HEX #2F3B69
RGB 47 59 105
CMYK 0.55 0.44 0.00 0.59

Rhythms Green

HEX #78A643
RGB 120 166 67
CMYK  0.28 0.00 0.60 0.35

Heading Font

League Spartan
Use this heading font whenever possible. Use Helvetica Neue as a backup

Body Font

Open Sans
Use this body font whenever possible. Use Helvetica Neue or Arial as a backup.

organization logos

This project is coordinated and executed by a partnership between HoneyRock, the Center for Leadership Development of Wheaton College, and Sacred Playgrounds, LLC. Below are logos with homepage links to learn more about these organizations as well as a short description of their mission in the world.

HoneyRock Center for Leadership Development exists to build the church and benefit society worldwide by fostering the development of whole and effective people through transformational outdoor experiences. HoneyRock is an explicitly Christian leadership development center that creates space for youth and emerging adults to encounter God’s creation, live in a Christ-centered community, discover their unique callings, and find their place in God’s Kingdom.


Sacred Playgrounds generates insights, equips leaders, and connects partners to help camp ministries thrive. Sacred Playgrounds partners with camping ministries by gathering data that tell stories and inform decisions, supporting staff and leaders, and creating resources and content with a theological lens on outdoor and connected ministries.


Wheaton is an explicitly Christian, academically rigorous, fully residential liberal arts college and graduate school located in Wheaton, Illinois. More than 40 undergraduate degrees in the liberal arts and sciences, and 18 graduate degrees are offered by top-quality professors.

Wheaton College is located in suburban Wheaton, a residential community 25 miles west of downtown Chicago.



Outdoor Ministry Partners

These outdoor ministry associations have agreed to participate, share, promote, and engage over the course of the project. They will be instrumental partners in many ways. Below are their association logos with links to their website homepages and a short description for each.

Lutheran Outdoor Ministries

Lutheran Outdoor Ministries (LOM) is an association of outdoor ministry organizations, professionals, board members, businesses, and students connected to Lutheran camping, conferences, and retreats.

Christian Camp and Conference Association

CCCA exists to maximize ministry for member camps and conference centers. CCCA works to equip members to provide camp experiences that allow campers to escape their hectic everyday lives, get a clearer picture of God’s love for them, and discover their purpose and passion.

United Methodist Camp & Retreat Ministries

The United Methodist Camp & Retreat Ministries Association resources, advocates, inspires, and networks to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of camp and retreat ministries.

Generously funded by a grant from Lilly Endowment Inc.

Use the name Lilly Endowment Inc. and this logo when adding information about the granting organization. At the button below you’ll find information about the Christian Parenting and Caregiving Initiative, the grant that is supporting this project.

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