In Rhythm · Early Summer 2024

by | Jul 2024 | InRhythm Newsletter

Get In Rhythm

Welcome to In Rhythm, the project updates newsletter for the Rhythms of Faith Project. These updates include the latest findings from the current phase of the project, what the project team has been working on, and what’s ahead for the project, including ways camps and churches can engage. Our hope is to provide an overview of our learnings as we proceed through this multi-year process so that camp leaders, church leaders, and families have real-time access to resources and ideas that will strengthen their ministries. We’ll also communicate opportunities to get involved with the project.

In This Issue

  • Meet the Project Leadership & Advisory Teams
  • Phase 1 Actions to Date
  • 8 Early Models of Camp-to-Home Connection Strategies
  • Summer ’24 Site Visits
  • Phase 2 Launch Ahead